Toddler Program
13 months to 24 months
Our toddler room is designed to provide increasing developmental challenges for our youngest toddlers while still providing the nurturing environment of the infant room. Children in our toddler room follow a consistent daily schedule which includes large and small group activities, outside time, choice time and set meal periods. Our toddlers take a single nap after lunch each day. Children sleep on cots with blankets and sheets provided by the family. The classroom is equipped with both a diaper changing station as well as child sized bathroom facilities. Teachers begin potty training once a child shows signs of readiness and the family is ready to begin the task of potty training. Children in our toddler room are provided a variety of open ended materials to encourage exploration and learning. Teachers plan activities to meet the developmental needs of the children in our program. Our toddlers become more aware of themselves as individuals and gain confidence in their own abilities in a supportive and nurturing environment.